
ほっと一息、米VC投資が回復傾向 [VC業界動向]



Q2 Venture Investing looks like it's 2005 (and that's a good thing)
by VentureBeat 2009/7/17

... In Q2 (from April to June), venture capitalists invested a total of $5.27 billion in 595 deals. That’s pretty meager compared to the $8.33 billion invested in 726 deals during the same period last year but, as you may be aware, that was a very different time, economically speaking. It’s a big jump from the $4 billion invested last quarter, so we might even begin to start talking about a reovery.




Exit market warms with five IPOs in Q2



SolarWinds, OpenTable, MediData Solutions, Bridgepoint Education. DigitalGlobe

未公開株式のマーケットプレイス : SharesPost [VC業界動向]

昨年来の金融危機により、世界中のIPO市場は十分機能を果たせなくなった。米国でも"the death of IPOs"なんていう言葉がよく聞かれており、機能不全の状態が続いている。おまけに金融危機によって投資銀行も機能低下したため、M&Aの仲介機能まで弱まっている。投資資金の出口をIPOやM&Aに依存してきたVCには大きな問題だ。


引用: Trying to sell shares in a private startup? Join the club!
VentureBeat 2009/6/11

SharesPost is just the latest in a host of companies that are trying to make it easier to buy and sell shares in private companies.

... SharesPost says it has an online platform that is the “first to bring true liquidity” to the private equity market, by directly connecting buyers and sellers of private equity, and then automating the stock sale to the buyer. And it does this without charging commission.  It has listings to buy and/or sell shares of several recognized private companies, including Facebook, Tesla Motors, SolarCity and XDX.

未公開企業の売買を仲介するサイトは別にこれが初めてではないが、曰く「未公開企業株式の売買において”初めて”真の流動性を実現するオンライン市場」だという。Facebook, Teslaといった著名企業も名を連ねているという。

同じような動きは他でもある。例えば著名VCであるDFJのTim DraperらがXChangeというサイトだ。

Last month, well-known Silicon Valley venture capitalist Tim Draper and some other investors announced something called XChange, a private exchange for institutional investors to trade shares of start-up companies. Draper and his friends invested $1 million into the company in February. 

... It plans to actually launch September. Start-ups need to have at least $20 million in revenue to participate in XChange.

こちらの方はTim Draper氏とその友人らがUS$1mを投資して立ち上げたらしく、今年9月にサービスを開始するという。このサイトに登録するベンチャー企業は、少なくとも$20Mの売り上げが必要だという。米国でIPOするには通常US$50Mから$100Mぐらいの売上が必要となるので、$20Mの規模で流動性を確保できるというのは朗報だろう。一種のグリーンシートのようなものと考えられる。

さらに、second marketstartup exchangeといったサイトも同じようなことを始めているという。考えることは皆さん同じ、といったところか。





半減した米VC投資 2009Q1 [VC業界動向]


PricewaterhouseCoopersとNVCAによるMoneyTree Reportの報告によると、2009年Q1の米国VC投資額は、30億ドル、549件だった。金額ベースで前年同期比マイナス47%、件数ベースでマイナス37%となったようだ。

引用: VC Investments Q1 2009 - MoneyTree - Press Release

... Quarterly investment activity was down 47 percent in dollars and 37 percent in deals from the fourth quarter of 2008 when $5.7 billion was invested in 866 deals.


引用: Good luck with that funding: Q1 sees lowest VC investment in more than a decade




規制がかけられる米国ファンド [VC業界動向]


  • ヘッジファンド、PEファンド、VCファンドのSECへの業者登録
  • 同ファンドの情報の適時開示

引用: Obama administration to tighten regulation on VCs?
VentureBeat 2009/3/26

Venture capitalists may soon be facing more stringent reporting requirements, according to testimony from Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner today about the Obama administration’s plans to overhaul the country’s financial regulations.

But many details still need to be filled in, and there will probably be plenty of debate and revision before anything actually becomes law. Geithner’s proposal would (for the first time) require hedge fund, private equity, and venture capital fund advisers to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and to regularly report information so agencies can assess “whether the fund or fund family is so large or highly leveraged that it poses a threat to financial stability.”


Text of Geithner’s Testimony on Regulating Risk
WSJ, March 26, 2009


Hedge Funds and Other Private Pools of Capital

U.S. law generally does not require hedge funds or other private pools of capital to register with a federal financial regulator, although some funds that trade commodity derivatives must register with the CFTC and many funds register voluntarily with the SEC. As a result, there are no reliable, comprehensive data available to assess whether such funds individually or collectively pose a threat to financial stability. However, in the wake of the Madoff episode it is clear that, in order to protect investors, we must close gaps and weaknesses in regulation of investment advisors and the funds they manage.


Accordingly, we recommend that all advisers to hedge funds (and other private pools of capital, including private equity funds and venture capital funds) with assets under management over a certain threshold be required to register with the SEC. All such funds advised by an SEC-registered investment adviser should be subject to investor and counterparty disclosure requirements and regulatory reporting requirements. The regulatory reporting requirements for such funds should require reporting, on a confidential basis, information necessary to assess whether the fund or fund family is so large or highly leveraged that it poses a threat to financial stability. The SEC should share the reports that it receives from the funds with the entity responsible for oversight of systemically important firms, which would then determine whether any hedge funds could pose a systemic threat and should be subjected to the prudential standards outlined above.

ガイトナー氏のこの規制論議に対し、米国のVC業界からは反発の声が上がっている。NVCA(全米VC協会)のEmily Medell氏は「VCは(金業界全体からしたら)サイズは小さく、レバレッジはかけておらず、公開市場とも関係ない。むしろ政府はVCにスタートアップ企業への更なる投資を望んでいるはずだ。そのVCへ規制をかけることは、VCに重荷となるだけで、合理的な策とは思えない。」と語っている。もっともな反論だと思う。自由と規制のバランスはいつも難しいが、今は規制論が優勢であることは間違いなかろう。


Sequoiaの"R.I.P."のその後 [VC業界動向]

Sequoia Capitalが2008年10月に有名なプレゼンテーションを打った。墓標に刻まれるR.I.P.(Rest in Peace:安らかに眠れ)というタイトルで始まるショッキングな内容のプレゼンテーションで、アメリカVC業界に留まらず日本でも随分と話題になったので、ご覧になった人も多いことだろう。(まだ見てない人はこちら)

引用 Sequoia Capital on startups and the economic downturn

ところで、このプレゼンテーションが行われたミーティングでコメントしたパートナーのうち、二人がSequoiaを辞めたそうだ。辞めたと報じられているのは、Eric Upin氏とMichael Beckwith氏の二人。どちらもSequoiaでヘッジファンドを立ち上げるべく、昨年Sequoiaに入ったパートナーだ。

引用 RIP: Sequoia Capital's hedge fund?

Sequoia Capital partner Eric Upin has left the storied Silicon Valley venture capital firm to work at investment management firm Makena Capital Management, according to Forbes.

This news follows a report earlier this week that another Sequoia partner, Michael Beckwith, has also left the firm.


Eric Upin氏

    • This could be at least a 15-year downward cycle, judging by historical trends; the credit market will take a long time to recover
    • Startups need to deeply cut expenses, and throw out existing projections

Michael Beckwith氏

    • A dramatic recovery is unlikely
    • Spending cuts will accelerate through this quarter and into next year
    • Only lean companies with proven sales models will be acquisition targets



ファンドの世界では"Capital Call"と呼ばれる仕組みがある。ファンドの資金を、ファンドの立ち上げ時にすべて一括して出資者から集めるのではなく、いわば分割払いで集める仕組みだ。ファンドを運用する立場の者(一般にGeneral Partner、略してGPと呼ばれる)が、ファンドからの投資が進んでファンドの資金残高が一定量を下回ったときに"Capital Call"を発し、出資者(一般にLimited Partner、略してLP)はそれのCapital Callに従って所定の金額をファンドに払い込むという趣旨の契約をあらかじめ交わしておくわけだ。こうすることで、当面使うあてのない余剰の資金をファンドにおいておかなくても済むので、ファンドの運用成績が向上するという利点を持つ。

ところが、昨今の景気低迷でこのCapital Callに応じないLPが出てきたという。LPが資金を出してくれなければ、VCは新たな投資が出来ない。これはVCにとっては極めて深刻な事態だ。

Venture firms have had trouble making "capital calls," or drawing on the money they'd been promised by investors in their funds. Some of those investors, including major universities, have lost billions in value in their investment portfolios because of the recession and can't provide the money they'd intended for venture firms. Sequoia may have had difficulty raising the intended money for a more hedge fund-like effort, Forbes guesses; tellingly, top rival venture firm Kleiner Perkins has faced similar liquidity issues recently.

LPがCapital Callに応じない理由は様々だが、たとえば上記引用のVentureBeat誌によると、主要大学などの大口出資者(米国の大学は巨額の運用資金を持っている)が景気後退によって多大な損害を被り、資金をVCに振り向けることが出来ないというものだ。Kleiner Perkinsでも類似のトラブルが起きているとのこと。何とも難しい局面に入ってきたものだ。

Marc AndreessenがVCに [VC業界動向]

Netscapeの共同創業者で知られるMarc Andreessen氏がVCファンドを立ち上げたらしい。

引用: Marc Andreessen joins the VC ranks
VentureBeat 2009/2/20

Marc Andreessen, best known for co-founding Netscape and serving as the chairman of social network builder Ning, is creating a new venture fund. 

Marc Andreessenが創業したNetscapeと言えば、使い勝手のいいブラウザで一世を風靡し、ウェブ時代の幕開けに大きく貢献した業(当時はWorld Wide Webという言葉が一般的だった)。Netscape社がIPOした当時にどれほどの売上があったか不詳だが、時価総額は20億ドルを超えて注目の的となった。


Andreessen told Rose the venture fund will “preserve and extend” the angel model; investments will range from $200,000 to $1 million, with $500,000 as the “typical size.”


“What we’re seeing is a whole generation of startups that actually don’t need very much money to get started, so the cloud computing example, or a mobile application, an iPhone developer doesn’t need very much money to get started,” he said.



参考: TechCrunchのTranscript

John DoerrがObamaのアドバイザーに [VC業界動向]

米VC業界を代表するJohn Doerr氏が米Obama政権のアドバイザリー・ボードに就任したらしい。アメリカ国内におけるVC業界の存在感を示す点で興味深いニュースだ。

出典: Obama appoints John Doerr to economic advisory board
by VentureBeat 2009/2/6

President Barack Obama just named two Silicon Valley bigwigs to his new Economic Recovery Advisory Board — famed venture capitalist John Doerr of Keiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Charles Phillips, president of business software maker Oracle Corp.

John Doerrといえば、VCに携わる人なら知らぬ者はいない業界トップの人。Google、Amazon、SunMicrosystemsに投資した人、といえばわかりやすいか。そのJohn DoerrがObama政権の"Economic Recovery Advisory Board"(経済再生諮問会議)のメンバーに任命された。あわせてOracleのプレジデント、Charlds Phillips氏も指名された。


“Put simply, I created this board to enlist voices to come from beyond the Washington echo chamber, to ensure that no stone is unturned as we work to put people back to work and get our economy moving,” Obama said.


元々、John Doerrと政治の関係は深い(参考エントリー)。クリントン元大統領、アル・ゴア元副大統領、そしてヒラリー・クリントンと、民主党を支持してきた。John Doerrは米国のクリーンテック投資を引っ張ってきた著名人の一人だが、同時に政治にも影響を及ぼすことで、そうした新分野の産業そのものをつくりだろうとしているように見える。クリーンテック界の有望企業にあらかじめ出資しておき、政治を動かして公共事業や助成金を出して産業を興す。そうすれば新産業によって国が栄え、自らも利益を手にすることが出来る。米VCは政治をも動かせるほどのパワーを持つという点で、大変興味深い。


米VC動向: 積極派と消極派に二極分化? [VC業界動向]


Venture fundraising: Going, going, gone?
VentureBeat: 2009/1/19

Venture capital funds raised only $3.4 billion in the last three months of 2008, according to new data from Thomson Reuters and the National Venture Capital Association. Unsurprisingly, this is a big drop (about 70.9 percent) from the same period in 2007, when venture firms raised $11.7 billion, and also a substantial decline from the $8.4 billion raised in Q3 of 2008.

一方、MoneyTree Reportの数字はもう少し落ち着いている。2008年Q4はQ3よりも金額ベースで26%減というものだ。

Q4 venture investing plummets; silver lining in cleantech?

New data shows venture capital investments plummeted during the final three months of 2008: VCs invested $5.4 billion in 818 deals, down 26 percent from the $7.3 billion Q3, and the lowest dollar amount invested since the first three months of 2005.



Kleiner Perkins, Sequoia Slow It Down
peHUB: 2009/1/23

... In the fourth quarter, Kleiner backed 11 companies, down from 26 in the third quarter; InterWest backed 13 companies, down from 17 in Q3; Sequoia backed nine companies, down from 19 in Q3; and Venrock invested in 13 companies, down from 18 in the third quarter.

Lots of other firms pulled back, too, including the two most active firms in the industry for all of 2008: Draper Fisher Jurvetson and New Enterprise Associates. DFJ backed 22 companies in the fourth quarter after investing in 40 in the previous quarter, while NEA backed 15 companies in the fourth quarter, down from 24 in third quarter.

KPCBやSequoiaの投資件数は前年同期の半分以下、DFJ、NEA、Venrockといった他の著名どころも大きく減っている。Sequoiaについてはさもありなん、昨年秋に有名な"R.I.P"のプレゼン(Rest In Peace: 安らかに眠れ)を発表し、深刻な景気後退に備えよと警鐘を鳴らしたくらいだから、投資のスローダウンは当然と受け止められる。


Some VCs say the decline in Q4 numbers doesn’t indicate that they have slowed down. “There has been no change in strategy or market-facing activities at Venrock,” Ray Rothrock, a partner at Venrock, told me yesterday. “Deal flow is strong. I think it’s a coincidence [that Venrock’s deal numbers declined in Q4].”

VenrockのRay Rothrockは「戦略が変わったわけでない、引き続き多くの投資案件があるし、たまたま投資件数が減っただけのこと」とコメントしたらしい。


Firm Name

Total no. of cos. backed in ‘08

Avg. no. per quarter*

No. of cos. backed in Q4

Difference between Q4 and average

Draper Fisher Jurvetson





New Enterprise Associates





Intel Capital





Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers





Polaris Venture Partners





Sequoia Capital





U.S. Venture Partners





Warburg Pincus





Atlas Venture





Venrock Associates





InterWest Partners





出典: Thomson Reuters、peHUB


金融危機にもかかわらずPEファンド設立は順調 [VC業界動向]

先週の世界的な株式市場の大幅下落により、米国経済に対する悲観論があちこちでささやかれているが、そんな中でも米国のPrivate Equity Fundの設立額はそれ程衰えていないらしい。PE分野への資金供給はまだ細っていない。興味深いことだ。

引用: PE Fund-Raising Still Going Strong. Buyout Shops, Not So Much WSJ誌 2008/10/7

... Three-quarters of the way through the year, fund-raising by North American private-equity firms–a category that includes buyout, venture capital, mezzanine, distressed and several other types of firms–is ahead of last year’s pace. Through the end of September, 264 funds had raked in $222.6 billion, well ahead of the $200.4 billion raised by 298 funds at this time last year, according to data from LPSource.

Wall Street Jounalが報じたところでは、2008年6-9月期の北米のPEファンド(Buyout、VC、メザニン、ディストレスなどを含む)の設立額は、前年同期の$200.4Bよりも約1割多い$222.6Bになったという。PE業界全体への資金供給量は前年よりも多いわけだ。


That isn’t to say they aren’t hedging their bets. Buyout firms, which have been hardest hit by the credit crunch, raised $103.3 billion across 77 funds, down 12% from 98 funds that raised $118 billion last year. And venture capital fund-raising was flat, with 107 funds raising $19.7 billion compared with 103 funds raising $19 billion a year earlier.


Mezzanine funds, which invest in debt that also carries characteristics of equity, continue to have a strong year, gathering in $36.9 billion across 13 funds, compared with the $3 billion across nine funds through the third quarter of last year. Distressed firms also have well exceeded last year’s total through the third quarter. Eighteen funds have raised $37.9 billion, up 28% from $29.5 billion raised by 16 funds at this time last year.





米VC業界は試練の時 : 来るべき冬に備えよう [VC業界動向]



先週、Sequoia Capitalが投資先企業の経営者を集めて緊急ミーティングを開き、過去最悪の景気後退局面を生き残るべく、早急な対応を取るよう呼びかけたらしい。

引用: Sequoia Rings the Alarm Bell: Silicon Valley Is in Trouble  2008/10/8

Sequoia Capital,,, is sounding the alarm and asking its portfolio companies to buckle down for what could be the worst economic downturn of their relatively short lives.


They want the companies to cut costs, to figure out way to survive and emerge at the other end of this downturn, which could last years. The speakers went through each functional area of the business and told the companies how to cut costs. By holding this special meeting, Sequoia is telling its companies to put survival strategies in place and figure out ways to outlast the broader market troubles.



引用: The Sequoia “RIP: Good Times” presentation: Here it is 2008/10/10


